Other Services and Amenities
Other services and facilities free of charge
Keep your valuables here!
PC & Free Wi-fi
There is a PC located in the communal living room to make your next reservations or to do research.
We are also fully equipped with a free Wi-Fi system for your use.
Other Services and Facilities (charged)
Washing machine: ¥200 per cycle
Feel free to hang your laundry in the courtyard or on the wood deck on sunny days.
Hangers and clothing pins are provided.
Hangers and clothing pins are provided.

Free Amenities
Shampoo, soap, hair dryer
Shampoo and soap is provided in the showers for your use.
The hair dryers are on the side of the wash basins.
Charged Amenities
Towel for rent: ¥100
Feel free to ask for rental towels when you are in need of one.
Toothbrush: ¥100
We can provide you with a toothbrush and toothpaste set if needed.