

Enjoy winter's dining with "Oden" at Asuka !

Oden (おでん) is a Japanese one pot winter dish consisting of several ingredients such as boiled eggs, daikon, konjac, and processed fishcakes stewed in a light, soy-flavored dashi broth. Ingredients vary according to region and between each household. 

Our Special Selected "Dashi" Soup Stock

The most common form of dashi is a simple broth or fish stock made by heating water containing kombu (edible kelp) and kezurikatsuo (shavings of katsuobushi - preserved, fermented skipjack tuna) to near-boiling, then straining the resultant liquid. The element of umami, considered one of the five basic tastes in Japan, is introduced into dashi from the use of katsuobushi and kombu. Katsuobushi is especially high in sodium inosinate and kombu is especially high in glutamic acids, both combined create a synergy of umami.


Oden×Sake make you feeling cozy

This region is the birthplace of Japanese sake. We have a collection of local non-pasteurized young sake that we strongly recommend.
Getting advice from sake brewers and liquor-shop owners under contract in Nara prefecture, we also prepared a collection of ginjou sake (sake made from high-polished rice) and sake that is suited to be drunken warm. 

Our sake-tasting set is sure to even satisfy the most demanding aficionados.

white radish (だいこん)


devil's tongue (こんにゃく)


egg (たまご)

fishpaste cake (ちくわ)

deep-fried ball of fish paste


Oden Set:700JPN Yen